Monday 14 June 2010

Sommarnatten - Rautavaara

Scandinavian delights. Eric Erickson with Choeur De Chambre Accentus perform Einojuhani Rautavaara's Sommarnatten (Summer Night). Footage from Ingmar Bergman's Summer with Monica (starring Harriet Andersson) and the final scene from Bergman's Smiles of a Summer Night..


ginab said...

I love Smiles of a Summer Night! LOVE it. Saved Bergman's career. And Harriet Andersson is the best actress.

happy midsomar.


Missy Moonpie said...

Happy Midsummer to you too Gina!
Lovely to hear from you. I haven't seen this Bergman, I shall have to put it on my list!
Thanks for your lovely comments about the Who Convention artwork, I was very excited to see it on the site. Is there any chance you may go? It would be amazing if you could. I've been thinking about the TBWHM blog a lot lately as I came across an old diary/notebook that I'd jotted a few things in. So sad about Neil, I never met him but used to read his blog, he really made me giggle.
Hope all is good with you and Beab. Do let me know if you're ever in the UK. Love Lou xxx